Shick Esteve provides the latest in ingredient automation solutions and process design. Our expertise includes automation of bulk, minor/micro, liquid ingredients, flour reclaim systems and process design.
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Shick Esteve is a complete ingredient automation provider and the only global automation systems provider focused solely on the food industry. We design, manufacture, install and service ingredient automation systems for customers worldwide.
Experts in ingredient automation, sourdough and fermentation systems, mixing & depositing technologies for the food & health industries. Coperion FHN develops, produces, and services plants, machinery, and components for the food, pet food, baking, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. Its brands – Bakon, Coperion K-Tron, Diosna, Gabler, Peerless, Shaffer, Shick Esteve, Unifiller, and VMI – are experts in ingredient automation, pre-dough systems, mixing, and depositing technologies.