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backaldrin International The Kornspitz Company

backaldrin International The Kornspitz Company

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backaldrin International The Kornspitz Company develops bread ideas and top quality baking ingredients. With around 1000 employees, the company serves the bakery and confectionery industry in more than 100 countries. The product range includes more than 800 products that are processed.



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The backaldrin head office has been located in the Upper Austrian town of Asten since 1968. After founding the company in Vienna in 1964, the premises quickly became too small. Today backaldrin employs around 350 people at the Asten site, making it a major employer in the region. Over the course of its more than 50-year history, the company has continued to expand. The export share of what is today an international family business is more than 80 %. In addition to the production site in Austria, there are now seven others: Amman (Jordan), Winterthur (Switzerland), Toluca (Mexico), Cape Town (South Africa), Kiev (Ukraine), near Moscow (Russia) and the latest, since 2018, in Guangzhou (China). backaldrin also has subsidiary companies in 16 countries and distribution partners in many markets on all the continents.

Bread ideas for the world

Bread plays a role in all cultures, all over the world – one reason for the growing expansion. “Markets in which we feel that bread is valued and where we can still achieve something and contribute to the bread culture are always of interest to us”, explains backaldrin Managing Director Harald Deller. The internationally operational company takes into account international differences in bread and pastries and adapts its product range regionally. Product development takes cultural and country-specific preferences into consideration.


A passion for bread

The employees deal with bread and pastries every day. Today, the bakery products of tomorrow are developed and tweaked at the place where the Kornspitz® was invented in 1984. “We see ourselves not only as a manufacturer of high-quality baking ingredients, but also as developers of new types of bread and pastries for our customers,” says backaldrin owner and Kornspitz® inventor Peter Augendopler. Among other things, this is based on social changes and nutrition trends that the bakery trade must also satisfy. In addition to variety, enjoyment and quality, there is also a focus on dough processing and modern production methods. With the invested know-how of the master bakers and confectioners at backaldrin, new products are constantly being created.


Wide product range

The Kornspitz®, the flagship brand of the house, is today enjoyed by bread roll lovers in more than 70 countries around the world. DinkeliXâ- Spelt Wholegrain Bread, PurPurâ-Purple Wheat Wholegrain Bread, yeast-free Vegipan® or the wholegrain bread Actipan®, which is specifically tailored to the needs of athletes and active people, are just a few other successful products from the international manufacturer of baking ingredients. The assortment comprises more than 800 products: wheat and bread improvers, sourdoughs, special baking ingredients for bread, rolls and fine bakery, bread spices, flavours and fillings. These are made from regional raw materials and with the utmost care. Many are also available in organic quality. Customers are commercial and industrial bakers and confectioners worldwide.


High-tech meets craft in the “House of Bread”

In 2003, with the “House of Bread” at the Asten site, backaldrin set up a meeting place for the global baking industry. Other locations followed in Moscow, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest and Amman. The “Houses of Bread” are research, training and communication centres, as well as places to maintain relationships and exchange ideas in the industry. As the maintenance of partnerships and professional exchange continue to gain in importance, on the occasion of the company’s 50th anniversary in 2015, backaldrin laid the cornerstone for the PANEUM – Wunderkammer of Bread in Asten. This customer information centre and event forum has been available as a new meeting place since October 2017, opening eyes and ears to bread in the accompanying exhibition.



Asten, Austria
Kornspitzstraße 1
4481 Asten


Mag. Wolfgang Mayer

Mag. Wolfgang Mayer

Head of Communication & Marketing
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