From 500kg to 3000kg our versatile lines produce a wide range of bread shapes, you can play with any lenght, width or thickness with a square or pointy end with our most basic line. You can add modules to handle other formats at any time; this flexibility will help you adapt to your clients' needs.
Our bread production lines are divided in two big sections, the Slimlines, for flat breads thinner than 6 mm and the Plaff-Plaff H2O lines, for any kind of bread thicker than 6 mm.
Both lines have the same philosophy behind its design, to achieve an artisan quality product as it was a hand-made. One with an automated process that allows the client the versatility to find the kind of products one is looking for. Dealing with high-hydrated and/or high rested dough is one of our specialties.
Our standard Plaff-Plaff H2O Ad Plus goes from 900mm to 1350mm wide. It can produce any kind of recipe, we will adapt our line to your current product or the product you have always wanted to do. We will help you with the development of your recipe or its optimization to our production line. The range of formats you can achieve with our standard line is huge, if you need more, you just add a new module when you need it (Decograin for seeds, Sferaform for spheric breads, Rollingform for moulded breads...)
Find some products our Slimline can produce below: