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Maquinaria Vinas

Maquinaria Vinas

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Vinas production lines are designed to keep the properties of the dough/fat intact, achieving a hand-made quality product. We adapt our lines to your recipe and our solutions are characterized by their quality, modularity and versatility. We offer technical service as well as product assistance.



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At Maquinaria Vinas we have spent over 25 years using cutting-edge technology to manufacture machinery for the food industry. Three decades of continuous experience and development which enable us to offer our clients the best bakery and pastry equipment and a continued customer support. The company was founded in 1994 in Barcelona by Josep Maria Viñas who, with over 30 years experience in the bakery and pastry machinery sector, decided to use his know-how to set up his own business. His innovation and creativity can still be seen today in the designs used and solutions offered by Maquinaria Vinas. His brave, enterprising spirit put the brand name on the world market, alongside large international companies.

The subsequent addition of his son, Sagar Vinas, with his engineering expertise and business acumen, led to tremendous growth of the company and its consolidation on the international market.

Mr. Viñas daughters, Xènia and Mònica Vinas, together with Mrs. Viñas are currently running the company, managing the sales personally.

Since its creation and thanks to Mr. Viñas philosophy, Maquinaria Viñas, has distinguished itself by offering solutions for bakery and pastry equipment which obtain the same quality as a “handmade” product. At Maquinaria Vinas we don’t sell machines, we sell results.


Maquinaria Viñas

08349 Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona), Spain
Ronda Narcis Monturiol 46


Xenia Vinas

Xenia Vinas

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