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Product-Highlight iba 2025

How to connect multiple Brabender instruments? How access data from an instrument, a PC, or a mobile device?

Connect multiple Brabender instruments with Brabender MetaBridge and access data from an instrument, a PC, or a mobile device. The Brabender MetaBridge operating software is the industry benchmark and empowers users to gain comprehensive data insights.

Anton Paar GmbH
8054 GRAZ, Austria


Brabender MetaBridge

Laboratory Software connecting Brabender instruments

Connect multiple Brabender instruments with Brabender MetaBridge and access data from an instrument, a PC, or a mobile device. Export your data to third-party systems such as LIMS or Excel, or simply email them to a colleague. Transfer data between instruments and set them as base values for further measurements. Whether you use straightforward workflows or more flexible ones, Brabender MetaBridge meets your daily requirements.

  • Connect devices: seamless data flow, zero transcription errors
  • Access results from any device at any time
  • An array of standards and predefined methods, just a click away
  • Export data to third-party systems and share with colleagues

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  • Technical specifications
  • Documents
  • Compatible instruments

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Anton Paar GmbH

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