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Ammeraal Beltech

Ammeraal Beltech

Short description

For more than half a century, Ammeraal Beltech has been providing you with high-quality belts for the bakery industry and more. We’re listening to your needs and designing conveying solutions that respond directly to your unique challenges.



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No compromises in Food Safety

Ammeraal Beltech offers a complete product portfolio for your applications in the bakery, confectionery, and candy industry. All of our conveying solutions are designed in line with the SAFE&CLEAN concept in mind, which means they comply with rigorous international regulations and enable easy and fast cleaning, reducing the possibility of cross-contamination.  

We understand the critical importance of food safety and relentlessly take measures to improve the hygiene and safety of your premises and end users. Our commitment to this concept means always looking for no compromises in food safety - a mission nearly impossible to achieve that still remains our goal.  

Visit us in Hall A2 at Booth 471 and choose our solutions to enjoy:  

  • Increased level of food safety 
  • Easier cleaning and sanitation 
  • Reduced energy consumption 
  • Minimised maintenance costs 
  • Improved operational capabilities  
  • Efficiency in conveying small and delicate products 

Click to find out how we can make your business move: 



1704 RH Heerhugowaard, Netherlands
Marconistraat 15
Phone +31 72 57 51212

Customer Service Center D-A-CH

21502 Geesthacht, Germany
Mercatorstr. 103
Phone +49 4152 937 0


Giuseppe Allais

Giuseppe Allais

Head of Global Food Industry Segment Managers
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Timo Schwenke

Timo Schwenke

Business Development Manager D-A-CH
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