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Product-Highlight iba 2023

Ziegler Snackwafer Line

Introducing the gas heated snackwafer line ZJTAL40/50-300, a versatile and efficient solution for snack production. This advanced machine is equipped with 41 or 51 baking plates, each measuring 300 x 300 mm. With a capacity of 55 or 75 kg/h depending on the model, it guarantees a steady output.

Ziegler Ltd.
2072 Zsámbék, Hungary

Gas heated snackwafer line ZJTAL40/50-300

  • Number of baking plates: 41/51 pcs
  • Baking plate size: 300 x 300 mm
  • Capacity: 55/75 kg/hour

Pneumatic easy-to-clean dispenser

  • The baking plates can be customised with a grid, figure or inscription
  • Baked goods are available with fixed and indefinite edge
  • Other additional machines available: mixing machine, automatic and semi-automatic packaging machine, flowpack machine and metal detector
  • Laser cleaning machine available for cleaning the baking trays

Your contact person

Kristof Ziegler

Kristof Ziegler

Chief Export Officer
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