HEUFT relies 100% on thermal oil as a heat transfer medium. This creates maximum flexibility when selecting the energy source and also keeps all options open for an uncomplicated change of heating at a later date.
For bakers, the focus is on the energy consumption of the ovens. HEUFT relies 100% on thermal oil as a heat transfer medium. This creates maximum flexibility when selecting the energy source and also keeps all options open for an uncomplicated change of heating at a later date. Thermo-Oel is the most economical heating system on the market and offers perfectly reproducible baking quality.
The short heat-up times of the thermal oil enable economical baking batch after batch. The excellent heat storage capacity accepts interruptions with ease and continues the baking process without any loss of quality. The temperature control is precise, the heat is never aggressive, the system is energy-efficient and very quiet.
Hybrid thermal oil heater
In addition, all HEUFT systems can be operated with the new patented hybrid thermal oil heater. This combines an electric and a fired heater, whereby the electric heater can be operated using electricity from renewable sources.
Natural gas or heating oil is generally used as the energy source for fired heaters. Alternatively, the combustion of liquid gas, biogas, wood pellets or hydrogen is possible. In principle, the fired heater is always able to provide the required total heat output on its own. Which and how much renewable energy is used is up to the customer and depends on availability. The aim is to use all available sustainable energy sources so that nothing has to be fed back into the grid.
For all customers who already work with a gas-fired HEUFT heater, it is possible to replace gas with liquid gas or heating oil at short notice. No new boiler is required for this. When changing from gas to heating oil, only the burner needs to be replaced.
Heat recovery
HEUFT offers both a flue gas or exhaust gas heat exchanger and a vapor condenser.
Instead of disappearing through the chimney, heat exchangers make the considerable energy of the hot exhaust gases usable for operational processes. With impressive efficiency: with a HEUFT heater, designed for 50 m² of baking area, with a daily baking time of five hours and a heater utilization of 50 percent, around 90 kWh of energy can be “recycled”. There is never any risk of overheating. If the buffer tank is already fully heated, the exhaust gases are automatically routed past the finned tubes of the heat exchanger.
Around 30 percent of the energy required in the entire baking process is used to generate steam. The best economic answer to this is to install a vapor condenser. It allows around half - i.e. around 15 percent - of the energy used to be reused. The vapour condenser transfers the condensation heat of the extracted water vapour to special finned tubes and thus to the water circulating in them in the composite heating system. Several thermal oil ovens can operate a common condenser without any problems. This further increases efficiency thanks to the continuous power output.
Of course, we have not lost sight of collecting digital data either. With the help of the Bake Information Center, measurement data and key figures can be displayed and monitored visually. Energy consumption can be identified, documented and optimized.