Our MULTI-DECK OVEN ensures maximum flexibility for your production. Up to six hundred square meters of baking area are available at the same time and can be loaded in parallel with free-form, tray or tin products. Each product achieves its individual quality thanks to separately adjustable temperat
Our MULTI-DECK OVEN ensures maximum flexibility for your production. Up to six hundred square meters of baking area are available at the same time and can be loaded in parallel with free-form, tray or tin products. Each product achieves its individual quality thanks to separately adjustable temperature and steam zones in the individual hearths. What’s more, you can switch fully automatically from continuous to step-by-step baking at any time. Combined with a loading and unloading system tailored to your line, the MULTI-DECK OVEN offers unrivalled performance. 25,000 rolls and more per hour not only deliver the desired reproducibility, but are also satisfy the bottom line.
More information on the HEUFT MULTI-DECK OVEN