- Consistent product quality
- Replicable production process resulting in consistent finished product quality.
- Space maximisation
- Reduction in occupied space and equipment such as proving baskets and retarder prover cabinets.
- Minimum operator involvement
- The high automation level does not require skilled workers.
Quality-related benefits of natural liquid yeast:
- Reduction or elimination of brewer’s yeast and
adjuvant additives
- Relaxing effect on the dough, making it more stretchy;
greater softness and improved shelf-life
- More regular crumb structure and thinner crust
- Better resistance to moulds and stringy bacteria
- Improved characteristic flavours and fragrances
- Improved nutritional value of the finished product due
to the prolonged action of bacteria and yeasts
- Reduction of the phytic acid present in wholemeal
- Reduction of brewer’s yeast intolerance effects
- Consistency of results (reliable production quality)