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Tips & Tricks iba 2023

Do you want to know more on how to use Agrain spent grain in your applications? Let us inspire you

Let us help you to innovate your applications by adding spent grain flour into your bread. Replace up to 10% of wheat flour with Agrain spent grain flour and you will get artisanal aroma, more protein, and more fibers.

1112 Copenhagen, Denmark

Let our team of experts help you in the developing process.

We will share insights that will help you obtain the result that you are looking for.

Learn how you can use spent grain flour as an ingredient in your bread and pastry.

You will be able to both taste and smell if you pass by our booth - and you will also be able to get tips & tricks. 

We bake every day throughout the fair.

Your contact person

Marta Benedet

Marta Benedet

Key Account Manager
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