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iba.STAGE iba 2023

Field, mill & fermentation: Closing the circle of the Artisan Bakery

Jordi Morera will talk about challenges and trends in our sector, on which he will give you his perspective.

Düsseldorf, Germany

Presentation language: English with German translation 

Focus topics: Sustainability

Here are some of the challenges and trends considered in the presentation:

  • Grow ancient varieties of wheat in a more respectefully agriculture
  • use km0 and fresh milled flours; long sourdough fermentation as a nutritional and organoleptic arguments
  • achive the regularity in a organic & artisan products
  • make our work more attractive to attract talent or ensure generational change 

Speakers (1)

Jordi Morera

Jordi Morera

Baker L'espiga D'or


Johannes Busch
David M
9 Participating
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Key data

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
4:30 PM - 4:55 PM
B1 / 567

Related topics (1)